Booking Terms & Conditions

Wademba Travel, LLC is a boutique cultural tour operator building bridges to connect people across cultures through unique small group tours focusing on local interaction.

If you are making a private booking as a group, the leader of the group (primary contact) is responsible for sharing these Terms and Conditions with all members of the group and is financially responsible for the booking.


Ground transportation in the tour country, lodging, all meals including drinks, entrance fees/classes/tours, tour guides/language interpreters, and gratuities according to the individual tour itinerary. Everything else is excluded from the tour price. Airfare and entry visa(s) are not included in tour price and are the responsibility of the traveler to arrange.



A $500 deposit is required to reserve your spot on a tour. This $500 deposit will be applied towards the cost of your tour. We offer discounts in exchange for full payment at the time of booking. See specific tour pages for discount amounts.

Final balance is due 120 days prior to your tour’s departure date unless otherwise stated. If you fail to pay by the due date, your reservation may be cancelled, and your deposit will not be refunded. We accept credit cards through PayPal or Stripe.

IMPORTANT: Wademba tours require a minimum of 4 guests to run. Tours will be confirmed with you by email a minimum of 120 days before the tour is set to begin. We try our best to make sure our tours take place but if the minimum number of clients is not reached, the tour will be canceled, in which case 100% of any monies paid (including $500 deposit) will be returned to you. We advise you to hold off on booking non-refundable flights or incurring other travel expenses until you receive a Confirmed Departure email from us.


If you reserve a spot on one of our tours but are no longer able to attend, communication of your cancellation must be made in writing via email to Cancellation penalties are as follows: 

  • Within 7 days of original reservation: Full refund including $500 deposit

  • More than 180 days before departure: Full refund minus $500

  • 120-180 days before departure: Full credit of monies paid toward another Wademba tour

  • Less than 120 days before departure: no refunds or credits

  • If Wademba cancels a tour that does not have the minimum number of participants: Full refund of all monies paid, including any deposits made

On your own, you may choose to purchase travel interruption insurance for additional protection.

It is the tour participant’s responsibility to ensure they have met all the requirements for entry into the tour country including, but not limited to: obtaining passport(s), entry visa(s), and required vaccinations. Wademba will not issue refunds of any monies paid should you be denied entry into the tour country.


Travel medical insurance is required for all of our tours. You must provide proof of travel insurance at least 14 days before the tour start date.

You may also choose to purchase travel interruption insurance to protect against travel delays or interruptions. Please contact insurance providers directly for any questions about coverage and pricing.


Facilities and standards can vary regionally and are often different from standards in the United States or Western Europe. If you are expecting five-star luxury accommodations, restaurants and sites, then our tours are probably not a good fit for you.


By traveling with Wademba, you consent to use of images taken of you being used for advertising and promotional purposes on our website or social media accounts unless you request to opt-out. We will never use your name or tag you without permission.



By booking a tour, the client accepts these terms and conditions and agrees that to the full extent permitted by law, Wademba Travel, LLC and its representatives shall assume no responsibility and will not be held liable for any personal injury, property damage, or other loss, accident, delay or inconvenience sustained by the client in the course of or as a result of services provided by Wademba as part of the itinerary and that the client shall hereby release, discharge and/or indemnify Wademba and its representatives in respect of any such loss, injury or damage, accident, delay or inconvenience and/or from any liability arising from same. Without prejudice to the foregoing, Wademba and its representatives shall have no liability or obligations to a client arising directly or indirectly out of any circumstances beyond its/their control including, but not limited to, breakdown in equipment, strikes, theft, delay, hijacking, act or threat of war (whether declared or not), riots, civil strife, terrorist activity, industrial disputes, discharge dispersal, release or escape of pollutants, natural and nuclear disasters, fire, sickness, bad weather, technical or transportation problems, closure of stations or airports, cancellations or changes of schedules by railways, air or bus lines or any other circumstances amounting to force majeure and/or Act of God.